The Importance of a Quality Septic Tank

Cornerstone Home Inspections of Warren, New Jersey, specializes in residential home inspections. One item inspectors check often is a home’s septic tank. What happens to the raw wastewater from your home when you flush a toilet or get done washing dirty dishes? That water may flow into a specially designed tank that helps remove particles… Read more »

Things To Keep in Mind Before Your Home Inspection

If you’re reading about home inspections, chances are you’re in the process of buying a home. Whether you’re in the initial stages of searching for your perfect home or looking for a qualified, professional home inspector to evaluate a home you’ve put an offer on, a home inspection is one of the most crucial aspects… Read more »

How to Become a Home Inspector

Home Inspector Checking Out Basement

Home inspectors will always be needed because homes need inspecting for a number of reasons. Home inspections are typically done before a home is sold to a new owner. People need and want crucial information– in writing– about homes because that information can be used for purchasing negotiations. If you’re a curious type of person… Read more »

Why You Should Not Buy a Home Without a Professional Inspection First

Shopping for a new home can be an incredibly exciting time in your life, but nothing puts a bigger damper on the experience than moving into your new investment only to find a multitude of problems you had no idea about. Even properties that seem perfectly fine during your initial tour may have several issues… Read more »

The Attributes of a Reputable Home Inspector

Whether you need a home inspection for your existing property or a new house you’re thinking about purchasing, it is important to find a home inspector who you can trust. But just how can you tell whether or not an inspector is someone you can depend on to uncover all of the important information you… Read more »

Seven Common Causes For a Poor Home Inspection

Life is good. You’ve found the perfect home for your family. The house is straight out of your dreams, the neighbors are friendly, and the schools have a stellar reputation. Your financing is in order and you’ve got plenty of cash for the down payment. All you’ve got to do is sign on the dotted… Read more »

Why It Is Prudent to Have a Home Inspection Before Selling Your Home

Cornerstone Home Inspections of New Jersey recommends sellers have a home inspection done before selling their home. A complete home inspection covers every area of your home so that you get a clear and accurate picture of the property– in writing–which can then be used to help sell the home. An inspection looks for any… Read more »

How to Optimize Your Home’s Energy Usage

So far, 2015 has been one of the best years for housing sales since 2006. It is clear that the country as a whole has finally bounced back since the economic meltdown. In other words, people are feeling comfortable buying homes and turning the page to the next chapter in their lives. That being said,… Read more »

Selling your home? Get a Pre-Sale Inspection

When you’re very interested in buying a home, one of the first things you mark off from your checklist is getting a home inspection. But what about getting an inspection before you sell your home? First, it’s never a bad idea to ever get your home inspected, even when you don’t plan on selling or… Read more »

Beware of Black Mold

Black mold is straight up dangerous. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, it’s a real threat in New Jersey. It’s found in wet areas inside or out. Wet leaves in the gutter, moist areas in a leaky roof or basement. Places where it’s warm, damp, and somewhat humidity. Black mold isn’t necessarily black as it… Read more »