Category: Home Inspectors

What Do Home Inspectors Look For?

A home inspector checking a vent

When you hire a home inspector, what do they look for when looking over a house? Typically, inspectors are trying to give you an overview of the entire house, from its foundation to the roof to let you know if they find anything bad or unusual when it comes to safety issues, defects, needed repairs… Read more »

How to Choose the Right Home Inspector

A home inspector checking a vent

 When buying or selling a home, it’s a good idea to hire a professional home inspector to look over the house and discover its good points and bad points. You can get a helpful assessment of how a house truly is thanks to a professional home inspector. What are some tips for choosing a home… Read more »

Is Black Mold Growing in Your House?

Black mold in home

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow almost anywhere. From your home to outside, there are many possibilities where you can be exposed to mold. Because mold can grow quickly and remain unnoticed at times, it’s important to know the signs of mold exposure. Most people tend to have sensitivities to mold growth,… Read more »

Things Buyers and Sellers Should Consider When Hiring a Home Inspector

If you hire a good home inspector, you not only find out the problems with a house, but you also learn quite a bit about it, overall. A home inspection can be very valuable in terms of assessing how good– or bad– the house is doing, with a focus on what needs repairing a.s.a.p. versus… Read more »

How to Become a Home Inspector

Home Inspector Checking Out Basement

Home inspectors will always be needed because homes need inspecting for a number of reasons. Home inspections are typically done before a home is sold to a new owner. People need and want crucial information– in writing– about homes because that information can be used for purchasing negotiations. If you’re a curious type of person… Read more »

The Attributes of a Reputable Home Inspector

Whether you need a home inspection for your existing property or a new house you’re thinking about purchasing, it is important to find a home inspector who you can trust. But just how can you tell whether or not an inspector is someone you can depend on to uncover all of the important information you… Read more »