When you are considering buying a home or if you have lived in a home for a long period of time, it can be difficult to know what to look for regarding structural integrity and the functionality or safety of essential home systems. At a first glance, many homes appear to be structurally sound and safe, but a closer inspection reveals symptoms of damage or the need for repairs. Cornerstone Home Inspections knows what to look for and goes in-depth to show you any areas of the home that may be problematic.

Your home inspection includes photographs of areas that may require attention, or provides you with visible proof that the home systems or structure of the home is safe. These photos are included in your home inspection report, with an explanation of any indications of damage or the need for maintenance. We search the hard-to-reach and hard-to-see areas so you can get a complete picture of your home from reliable and experienced home inspectors.

Take a look at the pictures below to see samples from some of our previous home inspections. To schedule an inspection for your home or prospective investment in New Jersey, contact us today.